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International Astronomy Day

The mysteries of outer space and astronomy have fascinated the world for as long as we have recorded history. It is almost impossible to look up at the night sky on a clear evening and not be caught up in the sense of wonder and amazement at how big the universe truly is compared to us.

 International Astronomy Day is a way for astronomy enthusiasts and professionals to share their knowledge and love of outer space with the public. It is also a way for everyone interested in space to explore their passion and increase their knowledge.

Come and enjoy “Hubble” in our immersive IMAX Dome. Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, Hubble will enable movie-goers to journey through distant galaxies to explore the grandeur and mysteries of our celestial surroundings, and accompany space-walking astronauts as they attempt the most difficult and important tasks in NASA’s history. The film will offer an inspiring and unique look into the Hubble Space Telescope’s legacy and highlight its profound impact on the way we view the universe and ourselves.




10:30 AM

Gustavo Medina Tanco: Robot Helpers

Demo Station

11:30 AM

Silvia Torres-Peimbert: Seeing Ourselves in the Stars

Explore Lab

12:30 PM

Scarlin Hernandez: Star Formation

Demo Station

1:30 PM

Zaida Hernandez: Build a Moon Base Camp

Explore Lab

2:30 PM

Olga E. Custodio: Take Flight

Itty Bitty Magic City


Sep 23 2023


10:00 am - 5:00 pm
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