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Tinker ClubMcWane Science Center strives to provide Tinker Club kids and caregivers with opportunities to explore science in unique and fun ways!
Tinker ClubTinker Club

Tinker Club

Tinker Club is a FREE opportunity for children ages 5-6 and their adult caregivers to take a deeper dive into the topics of making and engineering in McWane’s Tinker Shop. Tinker Club allows participants to work with more complex tools and materials, teaches the steps of the design process, and encourages caregiver/child engagement through fun and creative projects.

Tinker Club takes place on the first Sunday of every month from 1 PM to 2 PM in the Tinker Shop. After we finish our project, each child and their adult caregiver can continue to explore McWane Science Center with free admission for that day.

Tinker Club is sponsored by the Joseph S. Bruno Charitable Foundation

Woman at McWane Science Center with her daughter

Register Your Child

Tinker Club is free for all participants, but registration is required. Each child participant must be accompanied by an adult participant who will remain with them for the entire program. One adult may accompany up to two children.

Children must be 5 or 6 years old by the date of their first registered session to attend Tinker Club. Unregistered children or adults may NOT attend Tinker Club. Registration for Tinker Club includes admission to the Adventure Halls for the participant child and adult ONLY.


To register an adult and child,
contact Mallory Messersmith at:

[email protected]


(205) 714-8323

Program Schedule

*Must register for each session individually
Registration for each session opens the Monday after the previous session takes place.

February 2ndWheel and Axle Racers
March 2ndLight It Up
April 6thNature Painting
May 4thLots of Bots
August 3rdHammer Time
September 7thCrack the Coding
October 5thCardboard Makers
November 2ndTake It Apart!
December 7thWire Sculpture

Further Questions?

For more information, including policy & release forms, guest health & safety policies, and general questions about Tinker Club, please contact Mallory Messersmith at [email protected] or (205) 714-8300.

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