Peer-Reviewed Publications By Year McWane Science Center
The scientific research at McWane Science Center is focused on utilizing museum specimens to help better our understanding of the natural world. Research at McWane is conducted by both museum staff and visiting researchers. Below are scientific publications that are based on specimens in the McWane collection, as well as additional works authored by museum staff.

Type Specimens Housed at McWane Science Center
Hooks, G.E., III. 1998. Systematic revision of the Protostegidae, with a redescription of Calcarichelys gemma Zangerl, 1953. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18:85–98. |
Sheldon, A. & G.L. Bell, Jr. 1998. Paedomorphosis in mosasauroidea (Squamata): evidence from fossil bone microstructure. Paludicola 2:190-205. |
Sheldon, A. & J.E. Donachy. 1996. Histological and biochemical analysis of bone from four genera of mosasaurs. Bulletin de l’Institut océanographique 14: 369–375. |
Kiernan, C.R. 1992. Clidastes Cope, 1868 (Reptilia, Sauria): proposed designation of Clidastes propython Cope, 1869 as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 49:137–139. |
Lively, R.S., G.L. Bell, Jr. & J.P. Lamb. 1992. Uranium–series dates from travertines associated with a Late Pleistocene megafauna in ACb–3, Alabama. Southeastern Geology 33(1):1–8. |
Parmalee, P.W. 1992. A Late Pleistocene avifauna from northwestern Alabama. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Science Series 36:307–318. |
Churcher, C.S., P.W. Parmalee, G.L. Bell, Jr. & J.P. Lamb, Jr. 1989. Caribou from the Late Pleistocene of northwestern Alabama. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67:1210–1216. |
Martin, L.D. & B.M. Rothschild. 1989. Paleopathology and diving mosasaurs. American Scientist 77(3):460-467. |
King, D.T., J.P. King, G.L. Bell, Jr., J.P. Lamb, Jr., J.L. Dobie & D.R. Womochel. 1988. Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Turnipseed dinosaur site in the Upper Cretaceous Demopolis Chalk of Montgomery County, Alabama. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 59:34–48. |
Wright, K.R. 1988. The first record of Clidastes liodontus (Squamata, Mosasuridae) from the Eastern United States. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 8(3):343-345. |
Bell, G.L., Jr. 1986. A pycnodont fish from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama. Journal of Paleontology 60:1120–1126. |
Bell, G.L., Jr. & M.A. Sheldon. 1986. Description of a very young mosasaur from Greene County, Alabama. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Sciences 57:76–83. |
Waters, J.A. & G.L. Bell, Jr. 1986. A new occurrence of Granatocrinus granulatus (Roemer) from the Fort Payne Chert of Alabama. Journal of Paleontology 60(1):177-180. |
Non-Refereed Publications
Field, D.J., M. Hanson, D.A. Burnham, L.E. Wilson, K.J. Super, J.A. Ebersole & B.A.S. Bhullar. 2019. Exceptional Mesozoic fossils reveal the mosaic assembly of the crown bird skull. Journal of Morphology, Supplemental, 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, July 21-25, Prague, Czech Republic, S121 |
Ehret, D.J. & J.A. Ebersole. 2017. New Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) genus of lamniform shark from the Mooreville Chalk of Alabama, USA. Abstracts, Technical Session II, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 77th Annual Meeting, p. 107. |
Burns, M.E. & J.A. Ebersole. 2016. Juvenile Appalachian nodosaur material (Nodosauridae, Ankylosauridae) from the lower Campanian lower Mooreville Chalk of Alabama. Abstracts and Posters Session IV, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 76th Annual Meeting. |
Burns, M.E. & J.A. Ebersole. 2016. New Appalachian armored dinosaur material (Nodosauridae, Ankylosauria) from the Maastrichtian Ripley Formation of Alabama. Abstract, Paper No. 22-5, The Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, 65th Annual Meeting. |
Jacquemin, S.J., J.A. Ebersole, D.J. Cicimurri, C.N. Ciampaglio, M. Jones & Z. Whetstone. 2016. Quantifying heterodonty in the late Devonian (upper Famennian) sharks Cladoseleche and Ctenacanthus from the Ohio Shale, USA. The Geological Society of America, North-Central Meeting, April 18-19, 2016; Abstracts and Posters, Session No. 22. |
Ehret, D.J. & J.A. Ebersole. 2016. Recent paleontological research and discoveries in Alabama, USA. The Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section Meeting, March 31-April 1, 2016; Abstracts and Programs. |
Ehret, D.J., T.L. Harrell, Jr. & J.A. Ebersole. 2015. Feeding traces on Pteranodon longiceps (Reptilia: Pterosauria) bones from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Mooreville Chalk. Abstracts, Poster Session IV, 75th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Dallas, Texas, p. 120. |
Ehret, D.J. & J.A. Ebersole. 2014. Occurrence of the megatoothed sharks (Lamniformes: Otodontidae) in Alabama, USA. Abstracts, 7th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson, Mississippi. |
Ebersole, J.A. 2014. Nodosaur. Encyclopedia of Alabama. Published online January 13, 2014. |
Gentry, A.D. 2014. New stem-Chelonioid material from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and the taxonomic validity of the genus Ctenochelys (Testudines: Toxochelys). Posters with Abstracts, 7th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson, Mississippi. |
Prieto-Marquez, A.P., G.M. Erickson & J.A. Ebersole. 2014. A new hadrosaurid from Appalachia and the evolution of the facial skeleton in ‘duck-billed’ dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, Technical Session XIV:201. |
Lively, J.R. 2013. Eocene Gyrolithes-Thalassinoides ichnocoenoses from Alabama and Peru: implications for marine vertebrate taphonomy. Poster presented at the Geological Society of America annual conference, 2013. |
Lacefield, J. 2013. Lost Worlds in Alabama Rocks: A Guide to the State’s Ancient Life and Landscapes, 2nd Edition. Alabama Museum of Natural History, Tuscaloosa. 276 pp. |
Brochu, C.A., R.K. Denton, Jr., B.S. Grandstaff, & D.C. Parris. 2012. Southern northern crocodiles: Borealosuchus from the Campanian of Alabama and the early biogeographic history of crocodilians in North America. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Abstracts with Programs 2012:68-69. |
Brudatte, S.L., J.N. Chioniere, R.B. Benson, T.D. Carr & M.A. Norell. 2012. Theropod dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of eastern North America; anatomy, systematics, biogeography an new information from historic specimens. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Abstracts with Programs 2012:70. |
Ruez, D.R. 2008. Ice–Age mammals of Alabama and the state’s paleobiogeographical position. Earth Science Posters Abstracts, Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 29(2):117. |
Shaver, W., B. Schubert, & S. Wallace. 2006. The cave of sloths: a description of the Megalonyx jeffersonii remains from ACb–3 Cave, Colbert County, Alabama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3, Supplement):124. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr. 2001. Dinosaur egg with embryo from the Cretaceous (Campanian) Mooreville Chalk Formation, Alabama. Abstracts, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(3):70-71A. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr. 1998. Lophorhothon, and Iguanodontian, not a Hadrosaur. Abstracts, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(3):58A. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr. 1997. A Late Cretaceous land bridge in the Gulf of Mexico Basin. Abstracts, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(3):59A. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr. 1997. Marsh was right: Ichthyornis had a beak! Abstracts, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(3):59A. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr. 1996. Ankylosauria from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama. Abstracts, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. |
Hooks, G.E., III. 1995. A new specimen of Calcarichelys gemma from the Mooreville Chalk (Campanian) of Alabama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(3):35A-36A. |
Sheldon, A.M. 1994. Ecological implications of mosasaur bone microstructure. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14(3):45A. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr., L.M. Chiappe & P.G.P. Ericson. 1993. A marine Enantionithine from the Cretaceous of Alabama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Abstracts 13(3):45A. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr., G.L. Bell & A.K. Rindsberg. 1991. The Catoma Creek scrap fauna (Late Cretaceous) from Montgomery County, Alabama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 11(3, Supplement), Abstracts of Papers. |
Lamb, J.P., Jr. 1989. Functional hearing in mosasaurs reassessed. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 60(3): Abstracts. |
Meylan, P.A. 1988. The potential contribution of the collections of the Red Mountain Museum to a science center in the City of Birmingham. A report to the office of the Mayor. |
Bell, G.L. Jr. & J. P. Lamb. 1987. Additional investigations in northwest Alabama caves. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 58(3):99. |
Rothschild, B.M., L.D. Martin, G.Bell & J. Lamb. 1987. Avascular necrosis in Cretaceous reptiles. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 7(3) Supplement, Abstracts of Papers. |
Sheldon, A.M. 1987. Juvenile mosasaurs from the Mooreville Chalk of Alabama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 7(3):25A. |
Bell, G.L., Jr. 1985. Vertebrate faunal zones in the Upper Cretaceous of west central Alabama. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 17(2):80. |
Bell, G.L., Jr. 1985. Ground sloths from a cave near Tuscumbia. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 17(2):80. |
Bell, G.L., Jr. 1985. Stratigraphy and fauna within latest Wisconsinan deposits in Bell Cave, northwest Alabama; pg. 8- in Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, 34th annual meeting, Abstracts and Programs. Geological Society of America 17(2):80. |