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Science News: Researchers discover new dinosaur species in Appalachia.

1. FSU: Research team identifies rare dinosaur from Appalachia.
2. Fox News: Fossil of duck-billed dinosaur found along Alabama creek.
3. Nolesaurus: FSU biologist helps determine new species of dinosaur.
4. Gephardt Daily: Researchers discover new dinosaur species in Appalachia.
5. IFLS Science: Primitive hadrosaur fossil reveals “Duck-billed” dinosaurs originated in Eastern United States.
6. Science News: Researchers discover new dinosaur species in Appalachia.
7. Sci-News: Eotrachodon orientalis: New Duck-billed dinosaur species discovered.
8. Deccan Chronicle: New 83-million-year-old, rare dinosaur species identified.
9. Remains of previously undiscovered dinosaur species found in Alabama creek.
10. Livemint: New 83-million-year-old, rare dinosaur species identified.
11. International Business Times: Eotrachodon: 83 million-year-old ‘ugly’ duck-billed dinosaur skeleton discovered in Alabama.
12. New Historian: New species of duck-billed dinosaur discovered.
13. Earthsky: Extraordinary fossil find sheds light on duck-billed dinosaurs.
14. Charlotte Observer: Science Briefs: Dinosaur unearthed in Alabama points to duck-bills developing in ancient Appalachia.
15. The Plainsman: Dinosaur discovered in Alabama named.
16. National Geographic: Paleo Profile: The Dawn Rough Tooth.
17. Vestavia Voice: Hidden in plain sight.
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