January 10, 2018Everything Dinosaur: On the Trail of Megalodon Ancestors: Scientists in Alabama Solve Forty-Year Shark Puzzle.
January 10, 2018Web Programming Solution: 83 million-year-old shark that lived during dinosaur age likely the ancestor of largest ever shark.
January 10, 2018The Iraq File: 83 million-year-old shark that lived during dinosaur age likely the ancestor of largest ever shark.
January 10, 2018International Business Times: 83 million-year-old shark that lived during dinosaur age likely the ancestor of largest ever shark.
January 9, 2018Veda: Nově identifikovaný druh žraloka je pravděpodobně předchůdcem megalodona – největšího žraloka, který kdy obýval naši planetu. Vědci učinili důležitý objev v evoluci těchto predátorů z fosilních nálezů objevených v americké Alabamě.
January 8, 2018LiveScience: Megalodon Ancestor: Newfound Fossil Beast Related to Earth’s Largest Shark.